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TSSD #12: Easy Self Care Tips You can Do Now

Dec 10, 2022

Read time: 2 minutes 

If you are you a woman looking to lose weight and don’t know where to start; I understand how overwhelming it can be when embarking on a new journey to healthier habits, so I want to help you out by providing some self care tips you can do now to get started.

Plan ahead.

If you can plan out your meals, snacks and activities for the week, you’ll spend less time worrying and more time taking action. Write down the specifics of what you will be eating and when you will be exercising so that it is set in stone and you have a plan of action.

Get creative with snacks.

Most people consume unhealthy snacks without even realizing it. Snacks are not just what you buy at the convenience store or vending machine, they can also be fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Try using your creative side to spruce up your healthy snack selection like, making a homemade trail mix or with hummus and crunchy cut vegetables.

Take breaks from the digital world.

Too much media consumption can lead to burn out and emotional eating. Everyone needs some time in nature or to just relax and do nothing for a while. Schedule some time each week to unplug from devices so that you can disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with yourself.

Add fruits & vegetables to every meal.

Eating fruits and vegetables every day nourishes your body to provide the best support for your over-all health and weight loss. A good way to make sure you are getting enough fruits and vegetables is to include at least one serving in each meal, or juice them if you have difficulty eating them whole.

Get enough sleep.

It can be hard to prioritize sleep when there is so much going on in a day but it is essential to keep your body functioning its best. Aim to get a bare minimum of six between hours of sleep every night so that your body has enough time to restore and repair itself while you sleep.
These five self care tips are easy to fit into your daily routine and are essential for a lasting lifestyle change when it comes to weight loss. You will have more energy throughout the day, be able to think more clearly, reduce stress levels and start seeing the physical benefits of the effort you’re putting in.
As you progress further in your journey, consider connecting with a nutritionist or health coach for personalized guidance with your goals.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you: 
  1. Ditch Dieting to Maintain a Healthy & Happy Weight here. (100+ women)
  2. Reach your goals faster with 1:1 nutrition and health coaching here. (Only 2 spots open)
  3. Need more motivation? Listen to this story here.

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