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How to Start A Healthy Habit

Jul 24, 2022

56% of American women are on a weight loss diet.

Most start off with doing some sort of detox, cleanse or challenge.

Don’t start doing the crazy challenge yet. Here's some advice of where to begin.


Getting Started With Your First Habit

Over the next week, I am challenging you to stick with one daily habit.

Before you start any program (I don't care who's it is) you should start slow.

Spend some time preparing your first habit and then starting as easily as possible.

Aim to achieve the habit six days of the week, with one day of rest each week.

Note: If you miss multiple days, that’s OK, just keep going and pick up where you left off - we’re not on a deadline.



Set a timer to 5 minutes and make a list of everything you would ultimately like to change regarding your self care, health or fitness.

Think about how this can bring a positive, meaningful change for you. 

Note: Don’t start on it yet! Remember we are being intentional for long term change.



Today, consider your intention with this new habit.

Why are you doing it? Does this reason feel important to you, connected to one of your deeper purposes

Take the time to understand your reason, and set an intention.

Now make a commitment to yourself – be all in, and vow not to let yourself down.

Write this vow down somewhere you can see it each day, and honor yourself by sticking to this vow to your utmost ability.



We made a big vow yesterday, now we’re going to make the habit as small as possible. We’re not going to start yet, but today, I’d like you to consider how to make this habit as easy as possible once you get started.

Can you cut it down to just a few minutes per day? For example, if your first habit is recording what you eat. Can you say that for the first week or so, you’ll just try to do one minute or so?

You can of course expand this time once you get into a rhythm, but to start with, just consider how small you can make this habit.



Today, I’d like you to create a space to focus on the change you’re going to make.

If this habit is to be a priority, you need to set aside some time. When will you do it? Figure out when is best for you.

Make this a priority, and set aside at least 10 minutes to do this habit – even if you’re only going to do it for a minute to start with.

Consider this a sacred 10 minute space, which can’t be violated by checking things online or other busywork. During this time, you’ll only focus on your habit and these daily lessons.



A trigger is something already in your routine that you’re going to tie the habit to.

A new habit, to become more automatic, must be bonded to a trigger. By repeating the trigger-habit sequence over and over, you create a heartbeat rhythm that becomes engrained in your mind.

So today, before you start the habit, find a trigger that you already do each day. If you don’t think you have a routine, you might write down everything you do in the morning and see if there’s something on that list that you do every day.



In summary, if you want this time to truly be the last you are back at the "starting" line of losing weight or getting healthy, you have to think about your long term goals.

Your results will last once you change your habits.

You do that one behavior at a time.

So, to get started, do the following:

Step 1: Pick one habit you want to improve.

Step 2: Make a deep commitment to yourself. 

Step 3: Make it small - ensure it feels easy.

Step 4: Block 10 minutes on your calendar as sacred time.

Step 5: Tie your new habit as trigger to something specific in your routine.

This is the way to start a healthy habit.

Thanks for reading.


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Ditch Dieting to Maintain a Healthy & Happy Weight here. (100+ women)
  2. Reach your goals faster with 1:1 nutrition and health coaching here. (Only 8 spots open)
  3. One actionable self care tip delivered to you every Saturday morning here.

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